SMEs Loan
SMEs Loan
A loan with a maximum loan period of 1 to 5 years. It is a credit product suitable for manufacturing, distribution and service businesses that need funding and expanding their businesses, such as building materials, construction materials, construction contracting, transportation, hotels-guesthouses that have clear business goals.
1. Characteristics
- • A credit product suitable for SMEs;
- • A credit product suitable for SMEs;
- • An approval amount of not more than 6,000,000,000 LAK;
- • Collateral required.
2. Interest Rate:
- For more information, please contact: 021-213531-6 and 309/313/315 for the Loan Department.
Remark:JDB reserves the right to adjust the interest rate and fees without prior notice to customers.
3. Loan Documents
- • A loan application form (under the bank form), Corporate loan application form. Corporate loan application form;
- • A resume of a borrower;
- • A copy of ID card or Passport (borrower, co-borrower and guarantor);
- • A copy of family book (borrower, co-borrower and guarantor);
- • A residential certificate (borrower, co-borrower and guarantor);
- • Must have income-expenditure summary from the past 1 to 2 years; • Enterprise
- • Enterprise Registration Certificate;
- • Business license;
- • Tax Registration Certificate;
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- • A copy of loan and guaranty agreements (if any debt);
- • A copy of previous loan account statement from the past 1 to 2 years (if any debt);
- • A copy of collateral (land title), or if owned by another person, the owner of the land title must sign as a guarantor;