Wedding loan
Loan for small - large business
Loan for employees-civil servants
Loan for education
Beauty loan
And other loan details
ໃບຄຳຮ້ອງການກູ້ຢືມ (ແບບຟອມທະນາຄານ)
ສຳເນົາ ບັດປະຈຳຕົວ (ຜູ້ກູ້ ແລະ ຜູ້ຄ້ຳ)
ສຳເນົາ ສຳມະໂນຄົວ (ຜູ້ກູ້ ແລະ ຜູ້ຄ້ຳ)
ເອກະສານ ຍັງຢືນທີ່ຢູ່ (ຜູ້ກູ້ ແລະ ຜູ້ຄ້ຳ)
Copy of documents for business license
Copy of documents for tax registration certificate
Copy of business operation license
Last 2-year financial statement
Last 2-year balance sheet
Last year transactions (bank statements)
ການເຄື່ອນໄຫວຊຳລະເງິນກູ້ Loan Statements (ຖ້າມີໜີ້)
ສັນຍາຕ່າງໆ (ສັນຍາຊື້-ຂາຍ, ເຊົ່າ, ສຳປະທານ, ສັນຍາການເປັນຕົວແທນຈຳໜ່າຍ)
ເອກະສານນຳເຂົ້າສິນຄ້າ ຫຼື ໃບແຈ້ງລາຄາ
Documents for sale invoice
Documents for transfer payment of goods
Copy of collateral
Customers are able to apply for a loan and submit it to service unit near you across the country where a JDB service unit is available.
Direct call to the relevant parties is 021 253 456 or 1499
Direct call to the relevant parties is 021 253 456 or 1499
ATM ALL IN ONE card + accident coverage is 5,000 LAK/month and 20,000 LAK/year for accident coverage cost.
The maintenance fee for UnionPay card is 5,000 LAK, 0,6 USD, 25 THB/month/card.
VISA Debit - Credit
Family registration book or ID card or passport that is not expired.
Joint Development Bank
Banque pour le Commerce Exterieur Lao Public (BCEL)
Lao Development Bank (LDB)
Lao-Viet Bank
Agricultural Promotion Bank (APB)
Maruhan Japan Bank Lao
The fee of ATM costs 2,000 LAK/transaction
021 264 607 or 1499
Saving account
Fixed deposit account
Current account
Family registration book or ID card or passport that is not expired.
The initial deposit for a saving account: 50,000 LAK, 500 THB, 20 USD.
The initial deposit for a fixed deposit account: 2,000,000 LAK, 10,000 THB, 300 USD.
Withdrawal will be allowed upon the maturity In case that the maturity is not met, customers also perform their withdrawal, but there will be a penalty Penalty of 100,000 LAK Penalty of 500 THB Penalty of 12 USD